

What We Offer

Everyone Deserves Our
Best Services

Adult Daycare

The Day Care Centre provides short-term/daily care when someone needs it and if someone intends to return to the community on a daily basis. The Infirmary Respite/Day Care may be used if there is inadequate attention at home. It can also be on a planned or emergency basis, for example if someone is ill or to help if the caretaker is absent for any reason such as illness or holidays.
Operation hours for the day care are 8:00am to 3:00pm. The aged who request the use of the Day Care facility will be expected to pay a monthly fee of $500. 00

Residential Care

Residential care is for older or destitute people who can no longer live at home due to illness, disabilit;y. bereavement, emergency. and if it is no longer possible to manage at home without help.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who provides the care at the Infirmary?
    The Dominica Infirmary employs suitably skilled and qualified staff to provide assistance to residents. These include: Management staff, Doctors and Nurses, Ward Aides, Kitchen Staff, Laundry Staff, Driver and Maintenance personnel.
  • Who is Eligible?
    In order to be a resident at the Dominica Infirmary, you should be within the following categories:
    • Aged (65 and above)
    • Destitute
    • No care giver at home
    • Can No Longer take care ofhisjher self
  • Are you expected to make a contribution while at the Infirmary?
    Although there is no set monthly fee attached, you are expected to make a monetary contribute using your Social Security or pension benefits if available. Additionally the institution will accept non monetary contributions such as family/relatives donations and other types to be determined by the Management of the Infirmary will discuss with you and Social Security personnel payment arrangements.
  • What is entry information Important?
    Entrance/entry information refers to the information that residents will provide the Infirmary while seeking entry at the Institution and also information that the Infirmary will give to the residents.
  • Why is entry information Important?
    Everyone has different care needs. The information that the application forms ask for is used to help the infirmary understand your particular care needs. This will help the staff to determine what level of care you require.
  • Will my information be kept private?
    Protecting your personal information is very important and Management of the Dominica Infirmary will ensure that confidentiality is maintained. There are severe penalties, including imprisonment, for people who misuse or reveal personal information without due permission. The information that you provide in the relevant forms and discussions will be treated confidentially. However, information may be passed on to others for your benefit and advantage with your permission.
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